Case of study: decharger optimization

Here the optimization routine for the local GF2RBGF algorithm of the decharger plugin is briefly discussed with a practical example. In the Implementation details section of the Decharger plugin was discussed how the local GF2RBGF algorithm works, and how it can be optimized.


The following imports are needed to run the code snapshots below.

import numpy as np
import psutil as psu

from joblib import Parallel,delayed
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation,binary_fill_holes
from skimage.morphology import reconstruction
from skimage.restoration import rolling_ball
from skimage.measure import label,regionprops

from bmiptools.transformation.basic.filters import gaussian_filter2d
from bmiptools.transformation.restoration._restoration_shared import generate_parameter_space

As explained in the Implementation details section of the Decharger plugin, the local GF2RBGF consist essentially in two steps: first identification of the regions containing the charging artifact, then correct the image in this region by subtracting an estimated charging contribution. The function below implement the first step, produce correction mask \(M(j,i)\) plus other data useful for the next correction step.

def find_charging(x, gf1_sigma, color_shift, inverse,A_threshold=50,n_available_cpu=psu.cpu_count()):
    Function used to estimate the regions o the image where charging is present. It is based on a down-hill filter
    followed by a threshold operator.

    :param x: (np.array) slice to correct, in which charging is estimated.
    :param gf1_sigma: (float) sigma of the first gaussian filter.
    :param color_shift: (float in [0,1]) shift used in the downhill filter for the estimation of the charged
    :param inverse: (bool) if True the charged region is estimated from the inverse image.
    :return: (np.array) correction mask, (np.array) flattened image, (np.array) Low-Frequency image used to invert
    LFx = gaussian_filter2d(x, gf1_sigma)
    flattened_x = x - LFx
    if inverse:

        xt = 1 - flattened_x


        xt = flattened_x

    seed = np.copy(xt - color_shift)
    seed[1:-1, 1:-1] = xt.min()
    mask = xt
    filled = reconstruction(seed, mask, method='dilation')
    candidate_mask = (xt - filled) > color_shift
    candidate_mask = binary_fill_holes(candidate_mask)
    labeled_parts = label(candidate_mask)
    props = regionprops(labeled_parts)
    fmask = np.zeros(candidate_mask.shape)

    def func_to_par(p, fmask):

        if p.area > A_threshold:

            fmask += (labeled_parts == p.label).astype(np.uint8)

        return fmask

    Parallel(n_jobs=n_available_cpu, require='sharedmem')(delayed(func_to_par)(p, fmask) for p in props)
    return fmask, flattened_x, LFx

The final decharged image for the local GF2RBGF \(I_{decharged}(j,i)\) is produced by the function below.

def correct_charging(flattened_x,correction_mask,LFx,gf2_sigma,RB_radius,gf3_sigma,n_px_border=10):
    Function applying the charging correction from the results obtained from the function '_find_charging'.

    :param flattened_x: (np.array) flattened slice.
    :param correction_mask: (np.array) binary mask containing the regions to correct.
    :param LFx: (np.array) low-frequency image used to invert the flattening.
    :param gf2_sigma: (float) sigma of the second gaussian filter.
    :param RB_radius: (int) radius parameter of the rolling ball algorithm used for the background estimation.
    :param gf3_sigma: (float) sigma of the gaussian filter used to estimate the correction mask.
    :param n_px_border: (int) number of pixel at the border used to fade the correction away in the input slice.
    :return: (np.array) corrected slice.
    # define corrections zone
    dilations = [correction_mask]
    for i in range(n_px_border):


    borders = []
    for i in range(n_px_border,0,-1):

        lmbda = (n_px_border-i)/(n_px_border+1)

    borders = np.array(borders)
    border_region = dilations[-1]-correction_mask
    increasing_borders = borders.sum(0)
    decreasing_borders = (1-borders.sum(0))*border_region

    # corrector
    if gf2_sigma > 0:

        LFflattened_x = gaussian_filter2d(flattened_x,gf2_sigma)


        LFflattened_x = 0

    bkg_corr = rolling_ball(flattened_x - LFflattened_x,radius=RB_radius)
    gf_bkg_corr = gaussian_filter2d(bkg_corr,gf3_sigma)
    decharged_x = flattened_x*(1-border_region+decreasing_borders-correction_mask) + \

    return decharged_x+LFx

The full local GF2RBGF algorithm consist practically in the application in sequence of the two functions presented above. A standardization/destandardization step is added to make the algorithm more robust to variations in the dynamics of the input image.

def local_GF2RBGF(x,param):
    Local_GF2RBGF methods for the charging correction/reduction.

    :param x: (np.array) the slice to correct.
    :param param: (tuple) tuple containing all the algorithm parameter.
    :return: (np.array) decharged slice.

    #get parameters
    gf1_sigma, color_shift, gf2_sigma, RB_radius, gf3_sigma, inverse = param

    # 0/1 standardize
    M = x.max()
    m = x.min()
    stand_x = standardizer(x,'0/1')

    # identify and correct
    correction_mask,flattened_x,LFx = find_charging(stand_x,gf1_sigma,color_shift,inverse)
    decharged_x = correct_charging(flattened_x,correction_mask,LFx,gf2_sigma,RB_radius,gf3_sigma)

    # destandardize
    decharged_x = (M-m)*decharged_x+m

    return decharged_x

The three functions described here, are very close to the corresponding one are present in the Decharger class.

The optimization routine

The parameter space used for the optimization routine is defined as follow

  • the \(\sigma_{GF1}\) and \(\sigma_{GF2}\) parameter are tested for 3 possible values: 40, 80, and 120;

  • the values of \(c_{shift}\) tested are 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2;

  • the rolling ball radius \(r\) is tested for a value of 2, 10, and 50;

  • the \(\sigma_{GF3}\) parameter is tested for 3 possible values: 4, 25, and 50.

In total the number of possible combinations tested are 243. To generate the parameter space from these setting one can use the function generate_parameter_space.

from bmiptools.transformation.restoration._restoration_shared import generate_parameter_space

# define parameter space boundaries
gf1_sigma_range = [40,80,120]
color_shift_range = [0.05,0.1,0.2]
gf2_sigma_range = [40,80,120]
RB_radius_range = [2,10,50]
gf3_sigma_range = [4,25,50]

# generate parameter space
parameter_space,_ = generate_parameter_space({'gf1_sigma': gf1_sigma_range,
                                              'color_shift': color_shift_range,
                                              'gf2_sigma': gf2_sigma_range,
                                              'RB_radius': RB_radius_range,
                                              'gf3_sigma': gf3_sigma_range,
                                              'inverse': [True]})
print('Total number of parameters combination: ',len(parameter_space))


The example used here is a case of inverse charging: the shift in brightness is towards lower brightness level rather than the opposite, as in the usual charging. That is way the parameter space contains also the inverse parameter which is always True.

According to the optimization procedure presented in the Implementation details section of this plugin, pairs of charged-decharged regions \((Q,Q^s)\) used in to compute the loss, can be obtained using the function below.

def get_loss_optimization_mask_pairs(cmask, dilation_iteration=10, N_charged_regions_for_optimization=20):
    Compute the pairs charged region / uncharged region pairs needed for the computation of the Decharger loss.

    :param cmask: (np.array) mask with all the estimated charged regions
    :param dilation_iteration: (int) umber of dilation done to correction mask in order define the region in which
                               charging is not present but the histogram is still comparable with the one obtained
                               from the region in  which charging is present.
    :param N_charged_regions_for_optimization: (int) maximum number of regions considered in a correction mask for
                                               the loss computation. The region selected are the one with the
                                               biggest areas.
    :return: (list of np.array) list of couples of masks for the charged region and its surrounding uncharged region.
    labeled_cmask, Nlabels = label(cmask, return_num=True)
    prop_cmask = regionprops(labeled_cmask)
    area_label_pair = [[item.area, item.label] for item in prop_cmask]
    sorted_area_label_pair = sorted(area_label_pair, reverse=True)
    masks_pairs = []
    for _, l in sorted_area_label_pair[:N_charged_regions_for_optimization]:

        sel_cmask = (labeled_cmask == l).astype(np.int8)
        s1 = binary_dilation(sel_cmask, iterations=dilation_iteration).astype(np.int8)
        s2 = binary_dilation(s1, iterations=2 * dilation_iteration).astype(np.int8)
        sel_gmask = s2 - s1
        sel_gmask = ((sel_gmask-binary_dilation(cmask,
        masks_pairs.append((sel_cmask, sel_gmask))

    return masks_pairs

Given the pairs \((Q,Q^s)\), the loss \(\mathcal{L}[c_{shift},\sigma_{GF_1},\sigma_{GF_2},r,\sigma_{GF_3}](I,Q,Q^s)\) is computed with the function below.

def l1(p, q):
    l1 distance between normalized p and q.

    return np.sum(np.abs(p / np.sum(p) - q / np.sum(q)))

def compute_loss(sl, mask_pairs):
    Compute the loss function for the decharger.

    :param sl: (np.array) slice on which the loss is evaluated.
    :param mask_pairs: (list of np.arrays) masks of the charged/uncharged region pairs used to compute the loss.
    :return: (float) the loss value.
    sl_norm = (sl - sl.min()) / (sl.max() - sl.min()) * 256
    loss = 0
    for m_c, m_b in mask_pairs:

        val_c = sl_norm.flatten()[m_c.flatten() == 1]
        h_c, _ = np.histogram(val_c, bins=256, range=(0, 256), density=True)
        val_b = sl_norm.flatten()[m_b.flatten() == 1]
        h_b, _ = np.histogram(val_b, bins=256, range=(0, 256), density=True)
        loss += l1(h_c, h_b)

    return loss / len(mask_pairs)

Assuming to apply the optimization routine on the slice sl of some stack. The code below should be used to compute the loss function for each parameter combination.

sl = ...     # slice used for the decharger optimization routine

# compute the loss
loss = []
for p in parameter_space:

    # get parameter combination
    gf1_sigma, color_shift, gf2_sigma, RB_radius, gf3_sigma,inverse = p

    # estimate correction mask
    cmask, flat_slice, LFslice = find_charging(sl, gf1_sigma, color_shift, inverse)

    # correct slice and compute the loss value
    if np.sum(cmask) != 0:

        mask_pairs = get_loss_optimization_mask_pairs(cmask)
        corrected_slice = correct_charging(flat_slice, cmask, LFslice, gf2_sigma, RB_radius, gf3_sigma)
        l = compute_loss(corrected_slice, mask_pairs)



Clearly, the best parameters are the one corresponding to the lowest value of the loss.

# print best parameters
best_idx = np.argmin(loss)
print('Best parameter combinations: ',parameter_space[best_idx])
print('Loss = {}'.format(loss[best_idx]))

The optimization routine described here, contains all the essential steps which are present in the Decharger class.


Consider the image below as input for the algorithm. The inverse charging artifacts are clearly visible in the upper half of the image.


The loss value for all the 243 combinations is showed in the graph below.


Being not completely clear how the loss function look like, it can be useful to zoom around the global minimum of the loss, as showed in the graph below.


The best parameter combination corresponds to the loss value \(\mathcal{L}[c_{shift},\sigma_{GF_1},\sigma_{GF_2},r,\sigma_{GF_3}] = 0.5344\), which gives the visual result below.

fig-1 fig0

Clearly, different values of the loss correspond to different level of decharging. The animation below show how the filter quality changes in different points of the loss, confirming empirically that the loss function used is able to capture the idea of image wit less level of (inverse, in this case) charging .


To give a closer look at the different visual results, the different images showed above compared with the one obtained with the best parameter combination are available below.

Global minimum vs Local minimum

On the right, one can see the result produced with the parameter combination corresponding to a local minimum of the loss (\(\mathcal{L}[c_{shift},\sigma_{GF_1},\sigma_{GF_2},r,\sigma_{GF_3}] = 0.6950\)).

fig1 fig2

There is not much difference between the one corresponding to the global and local minimum.

Global minimum vs Away from minimum

On the right, one can see the result produced with the parameter combination corresponding to a value in between a local maximum and the global minimum of the loss (\(\mathcal{L}[c_{shift},\sigma_{GF_1},\sigma_{GF_2},r,\sigma_{GF_3}] = 1.4365\)).

fig5 fig6

Global minimum vs Local maximum

On the right, one can see the result produced with the parameter combination corresponding to a local maximum of the loss (\(\mathcal{L}[c_{shift},\sigma_{GF_1},\sigma_{GF_2},r,\sigma_{GF_3}] = 1.9672\))

fig3 fig4

Being completely far away from the global minimum, the charging artifact is practically left unchanged.


The script used to produce the images displayed can be found here. To reproduce the images showed above one may consult the examples/documentation_scritps folder, where is explained how to run the example scripts and where one can find all the necessary input data.