Basic API usage

bmiptools can be used as Python API in your script. The two basic objects of this API are:

  • Stack objects, which can be used to do all the I/O operations;

  • Pipeline object, which can be used to apply a series of transformations to a Stack objects.


A Stack is the basic object of bmiptools where the data can be stored. A stack can be loaded from an multitiff image or from a folder containing a collection of tiff images, and saved in the same way. In addition a stack can also be saved as gif file, to have a rapid 3D preview of the content. Finally one can also initialize an empty Stack and fill it in a second time with a numpy array. Details on Stack objects and its methods can be found in bmiptools.stack.Stack.

Load a Stack

A single multitiff or a collection of tiff images in a folder can be loaded in stack object. For a multitiff one can use the code below

from bmiptools.stack import Stack

path_to_multitiff_image = r'PATH_TO_MULTITIFF'
stack = Stack(path = path_to_tiff_image)

In case the stack is contained in a folder (as collection of tiff) images, the code below show how to load it. Note that this time you have to specify the path of the folder containing the images.

from bmiptools.stack import Stack

path_to_tiff_folder = r'PATH_TO_FOLDER'
stack = Stack(path = path_to_tiff_image,from_folder = True)


Alternatively one can always initialize an empty stack and later use the method Stack.load_stack or Stack.load_stack_from_folder, to load a multitiff stack or a stack contained in a folder. The code below shows as example, how to load a stack from a folder in this way.

from bmiptools.stack import Stack

path_to_tiff_folder = r'PATH_TO_FOLDER'
stack = Stack()

Slice loading order

The stack is reconstructed assuming that the alphabetic order of the single tiff images is equal to the ordering along the z-axis. Note that this may not always give the correct order of the slice. For example, if the slice name are


reading the slice in alphabetic order would give


which is clearly the wrong order if the enumeration of files have some sense. This is why the user can choose among different ordering possibility. This can be done by specifying the image_type field during the initialization of the stack.

from bmiptools.stack import Stack

path_to_tiff_folder = r'PATH_TO_FOLDER'
stack = Stack(path = path_to_tiff_image,from_folder = True,image_type = 'FIB-SEM')

At the moment two options are possible:

  • image_type = None: the slices are loaded according to a simple alphabetic order.

  • image_type = 'FIB-SEM': it is the default value for this field. It assumes that each slice of the stack loaded has the following structure:


    where [ARBITRARY_NAME] is an arbitrary string of character, while [NUMBERS] is an arbitrary number. With this option, the slice are orderd in increasing order with respect to the number specified in the [NUMBER] part of the name. In this way the problem with the example above disappear.


How to specify the file extension. Sometimes one need to specify the file extension in order to correctly load the stack (both from folder or from multitiff). This can be done by specifying it in the variable loading_extension of a Stack when you initialize it (it is set equal to tiff as default.)

Load slices

Rather than loading the whole stack, one can load just subset of slices. This can be done initializing an empty stack al call later the method Stack.load_slices specifying the slice list. The code below show how this can be done for a multitiff image.

from bmiptools.stack import Stack

path_to_multitiff_image = r'PATH_TO_MULTITIFF'
stack = Stack()

slice_list = [0,3,10]                                       # list of slices to load (enumeration start from 0)

In case the stack is contained in a folder of tiff images, the last line need to be replaced as follow


Keep in mind that the number in the slice list are the position of the path to the slices ordered according to a given convention. As already explained, the ordering can be specified during the stack initialization via the variable image_type (see above).

Fill a stack

Finally a stack can be initialized empty, and filled later using a numpy array.

import numpy as np
from bmiptools.stack import Stack

# empty stack
stack = Stack(load_stack = False)

# generate some random content
x = np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(30,200,200))

# fill the stack

Save a Stack

The content of stack can be saved using the method The code below show that, producing a tiff file containing the stack.

import numpy as np

saving_name = 'STACK_NAME',saving_name,standardized_saving=True,data_type=np.uint8,mode='all_stack')

This code will save the stack as a single multitiff image. To save the stack as a folder containing a tiff image for each slice, one have to set mode = 'slice_by_slice'. With this option

Another possibility to save a stack is via the method Stack.save_as_gif, which save the stack content as an animated gif. This may help to visualize the 3d features of the stack, but the resolution is limited by the feature of the GIF format. The code below show how this can be done.

import numpy as np

saving_name = 'STACK_NAME'


The options standard_saving and data_type present in both saving methods are particularly important, and deserve some discussion. In order produce images that can be open with the usual image reader, the images need to be saved in a specific way, depending on the data format chosen. In particular for an 8-bit integer representation (using data_type = np.uint8) the typical image viewer expect that in all the image channels the values are integers between 0 and 256. Similarly, for a 32-bit float representation (using data_type = np.float32) the typical image viewer expect that in all the image channels the values are 32 bit float between 0 and 1. Even if the input stack is in a viewer compatible format, this is not guaranteed anymore after the application of a plugin. The option standard_saving = True rescales the images in a suitable way (based on the data type chosen), so that the saved tiff are all viewer compatible.

Basic Stack operations


The data in an a Stack object is stored in the attribute .data, but one can access to the data in a more natural why. Stack allow a numpy-like slicing, as the code below show

import numpy as np
from bmiptools.stack import Stack

# fill a stack with some data
content = np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(20,20,20))
stack = Stack(load_stack=False)

# get the first 5 slices
a1 = stack[:5]
print(a1 == content[:5])

# get the stack content in the top-left 10x10 square
a2 = stack[:,:10,:10]
print(a2 == content[:,:10,:10])

# get whole stack content and store in a numpy array
a3 =
print(a3 == content)

a4 = stack[:,:,:]
print(a4 == content)

Stack statistics

As soon as some data is loaded in stack, or a stack is filled, a series of simple statics are computed. In particular, they are:

  • .stack_mean, contains the mean value of the whole stack;

  • .stack_std, contains the standard deviation of the whole stack;

  • .slices_means, contains a list of mean values for each slice of the stack;

  • .slices_stds, contains a list of standard deviations for each slice of the stack;

  • .min_stack, contain the smallest pixel/voxel value of the whole stack;

  • .max_stack, contains the largest pixel/voxel value of the whole stack;

  • .min_slices, contains a list of the smallest pixel values for each slice of the stack;

  • .max_slices, contains a list of the largest pixel values for each slice of the stack.

The method Stack.statistics of a stack object returns a dictionary containing all these quantities.

import numpy as np
from bmiptools.stack import Stack

# fill a stack with some data
content = np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(20,20,20))
content[2,2,2] = 100                                    # set the maximum of the stack
stack = Stack(load_stack=False)

# get maximum of the stack

# get statistics

Stack metadata

Sometimes tiff images contains relevant metadata. To load them when also the images are loaded just use the code below:

from bmiptools.stack import Stack

path_to_stack = r'PATH_TO_STACK'
stack = Stack(path_to_stack,load_metadata=True)

To load metadata, one have to specify load_metada = True during the stack initialization. There are 3 type of metadata that are loaded:

1. image metadata: are those metadata containing image information like image color depth, image dimension, image type, ecc… namely the basic metadata TAG of the tif format, (see here).

2. experimental metadata: are those metadata containing the information related to the image acquisition process. The experimental metadata reading and interpretation in bmiptool is done by bmiptools.stack.ExperimentalMetadataInspector.

3. image processing metadata: are those metadata containing the information relate to the image processing transformations done by bmiptools itself. They are produced at the end of the application of a bmiptools Pipeline (see later).


At the moment the automatic loading of the experimental metadata may work only in a restricted number of cases, due to the lack of standardization in the metadata organization.

To access to the metadata at later times one can use the attribute .metadata.


Metadata can be added also at later time, using the method Stack.add_metadata. The code below show how to add the metadata called ‘added_metadata’ having as content the string ‘example content’ can be added.

stack.add_metadata('added_metadata','example content')

The added content can be of any kind (e.g. int, list, dictionary,ecc..) and not only string. Finally, when a stack is saved and the option save_metadata = True is used, the metadata dictionary is saved as json file in the same path in which the stack is saved.


The second basic object of the library is the Pipeline object. A pipeline is an object which apply a series of image-processing transformation to a given input stack. Those image-processing transformation are the so called bmiptools plugins (see section General information about plugins to have a list and a description of the currently available plugins). The main features of a bmiptools pipeline are:

1. A pipeline keeps track automatically of all the parameters used, both the ones chosen by the user and the ones obtained at the end of an optimization process.

  1. A pipeline can be saved and loaded in a later time reproducing exactly the same result.

3. A pipeline can save automatically a preview of a restricted number of slice of the input stack after the application of each plugin of the pipeline.

To use a pipeline of transformation on a stack one have to create and initialize a Pipeline object. After that the pipeline applied to a stack object and later can be saved. In general, this is the typical order that one need to follow to use pipeline objects in bmiptools. Alternatively, rather that create and initialize a pipeline, one can simply load an already existing one.

List available plugins

To have an idea on the kind of transformations that can be applied to a stack, one can list the available plugins. The list of the currently available plugin is contained in the PLUGINS dictionary of the installed_plugins module. This dictionary is imported in bmiptool.pipeline file, therefore PLUGINS is a global attribute of the pipeline module. Thus the list of installed plugins can be obtained as follow:

from bmiptools.pipeline import PLUGIN


More information about currently installed plugins can be found in the section General information about plugins.

Pipeline creation

A pipeline can be created from scratch, with the method Pipeline.create. When calling this method, one need to:

  1. specify a list of plugins writing the name of the plugins and their order of application in the list (plugins can be repeated multiple times);

  2. specify a folder used to save all the pipeline information;

  3. (optional) specify a pipeline name.

The name of the plugins are the one that can be seen when they are listed (see above). The code below is an example of how to create a pipeline.

from bmiptools.pipeline import Pipeline

operation_lists = ['Standardizer','Flatter','Decharger']
pipeline_path = r'PATH_TO_PIPELINE_FOLDER'
name = 'NAME'

pipeline = Pipeline(operation_lists = operation_lists,
                    pipeline_folder_path = pipeline_path,
                    pipeline_name = name)

The order given in operation_list is the order in which the plugins are applied to the stack. Once that the pipeline is created by executing the code above, a json file is created in the pipeline folder. This pipeline_[PIPELINE_NAME].json file is called pipeline json and contains all the information about the pipeline and represent the way the user can interact with all the plugins setting, when pipeline objects are used. In this json file, the field pipeline_setting contains a series of dictionary (one for each plugin) containing all the parameters of the plugins. The user have to set these parameter manually and save the json file once that this is done. The meaning of the various parameters for each plugins can be found in section General information about plugins.


Fit order. By default a plugin is fitted (if possible) just before the application of it on the stack. On the other hand the fit and application of the plugin may be done in different time. This can be done by specifying when the fit have to be done in the operation_lists by writing fit_ before the name of the plugin. In the example below, the fit of the Flatter plugin happens before the application of the Decharger plugin, and only then the Flatter plugin is applied.

operation_lists = ['Standardizer','fit_Flatter','Decharger','Flatter']

How to configure the pipeline json setting

The pipeline json produced once a pipeline is created contains for each plugin of the pipeline all the parameters which can be set by the user. The structure of this json is in general the following.

{"pipeline_name": "pipeline__01011901_0000",
"pipeline_creation_date': "01/01/1901 at 00:00",
"bmiptools_version": "v0.5",
"plugins_list": ["Plugin_1",...,"Plugin_N"],
"true_operations_list": ["fit_Plugin_1","Plugin_1",...,"fit_Plugin_N","Plugin_N"],
"pipeline_setting":{"Plugin_1": {
                                 ...        # transformation dictionary Plugin_1
                    "Plugin_N": {
                                 ...        # transformation dictionary Plugin_N

As mentioned above, the parameters for each plugin can be found in the "pipeline_setting" field. In this field, the parameters for the plugin Plugin_x can be found in the dictionary in the field having the same plugin name. This dictionary is called transfomation dictionary and a description of its general structure and the explanation of some general parameters can be found here, while for each plugin in this documentation all the plugin specific parameters are explained in the corresponding plugin page.


Python dictionaries and json files. bmiptools is written in Python. As such the code snapshot in this documentation are generally written in python. By the way the pipeline json is written in json (as the code snapshot above show). The code snapshots of the transformation dictionary of the various plugins are written in Python (since they are Python dictionaries). Therefore if one want to use this documentation to fill the pipeline json, one need to convert the Python notation (data-structure to be precise) into the JSON one. Fortunately the two notations are already very similar, and only few things need to be changed. The table below should be sufficient for this scope.













See here for more details on the Python-JSON conversion. An example of conversion can be the following.

Python dictionary

JSON file

{'key1': numpy.array([[0,1],[1,0]]),
'key2': None,
'key3': False,
'key4': {'key41': None,
        'key42': True
{"key1": [[0,1],[1,0]],
"key2": "null",
"key3": false,
"key4": {"key41": "null",
        "key42": true

Load pipeline template

Rather than create a pipeline from zero, one can create them one time and save the pipeline json produced in some folder and use it different times. In order to create a pipeline object in this way, one has to first create an empty pipeline object, and load the template in a later time with the method Pipeline.load_pipeline_template_from_json. The code below show how this can be done.

from bmiptools.pipeline import Pipeline

path_to_pipeline_template = r'PATH TO PIPELINE TEMPLATE JSON'
path_to_pipeline_folder = r'PATH TO PIPELINE FOLDER'

pipeline = Pipeline()                                                # initialize an empty pipeline
pipeline.load_pipeline_template_from_json(pipeline_template_path = path_to_pipeline_template,
                                          new_pipeline_folder_path = path_to_pipeline_folder)

Pipeline initialization

Once that the pipeline is created and the pipeline json is filled, or once that a pipeline template is loaded, the pipeline object can be initialized. This operation initialize all the specified plugins, i.e. executing all the input independent operations for each plugin, so that the pipeline is ready for the application to a stack. The pipeline can be initialized using simply the code below.


Pipeline application

The application of the pipeline (with eventual fitting according to the order specified during the creation) on some stack called stack, can be done simply as follow:



The order in which the plugins are fitted and applied can be seen from the pipeline json at the true_operations_list field. This field contains a list with the name of the true operations that are applied at a given step. For example given

true_operations_list = ['fit_Flatter','Flatter','fit_Registrator','fit_HistogramMatcher',

one can understand that the Flatter plugin is first fitted and then applied to the input stack, later the Registrator plugin is fitted but not applied. Indeed after this operation HistogramMatcher is fitted and then applied, and only at the end the (already fitted) Registrator plugin is applied.

Get a preview

There is the possibility to obtain a preview showing how the input stack is transformed at each step of the pipeline (i.e. after the application of each plugin of the pipeline). In order to do that, one have to call the method Pipeline.setup_preview before the application of the pipeline. In this method, one has to specify:

  1. slice_list, namely the list of integer indicating slice used to produce the preview.

  2. plugin_to_exclude, namely a list containing the name of the plugins which are not considered for the construction of the preview.

The code below should be used in order to get the preview during the execution of the pipeline, instead of the previous line of code.

pipeline.setup_preview(slice_list = [0,1,5,7],                              # specify preview setting.
                       plugin_to_exclude = ['Standardizer','Registrator'])
pipeline.apply(stack)                                                       # apply pipeline on the stack.

As soon as the pipeline is applied, a folder inside the pipeline folder called preview is created, and inside the slices specified in slice_list as saved before the application of any transformation in the folder ‘original’. During the pipeline application, after the application of each plugin a folder with the name of the plugin is created, provided that the plugin is not in the plugin_to_exclude list. In this folder the selected slice of the stack at that step of the pipeline are saved.

Pipeline saving

After the application of the pipeline two things happens:

  1. The stack object now contains the result of all the plugin applied according the specified order.

  2. The plugins forming the pipeline has been optimized (the ones that can be fitted) on the specific input (the input stack for the first plugin, the output of the plugins preceding the corresponding fit_ methods for all the other).

The pipeline at this point can be saved with the method.


The stack have to be saved separately using the methods described before. Saving the pipeline does not save the stack automatically!

The saving process produces two file in the pipeline folder chose in the beginning (during the creation or during the template loading):

  1. A ‘.dill’ file, which really contain the pipeline. This is the file that need to be used to load a pipeline. In case some plugin has dill incompatible component, an additional undillable folder is created. This folder contains the part of the pipeline that require a custom saving and loading operations. This folder need to be in the same folder of the dill file, in order to load the pipeline later.

  2. A json file containing the pipeline json update, i.e. containing the parameters found during the optimization of the plugins (if any).


Note that a pipeline can be saved also after the initialization (but before the application).

Pipeline loading

Once that the pipeline has been saved, it can be load with the method Pipeline.load. The code below, show how one can use it.

path_to_pipeline_file = r'PATH_TO_DILL_FILE'

After the loading the pipeline, it can be applied using the code explained in the apply subsection above. However, in case the pipeline was saved after a fit, the application of the loaded pipeline does not execute a new fit, but uses the parameters found previously.

Further reading
