
Affine in a nutshell.

  1. Plugin to apply affine 3D geometric transformation to a stack;

  2. This plugin is not multichannel: the current implementation works only for single channel stack;

  3. This plugin uses the XYZ convention for expressing the coordinates in most of its field;

  4. Python API reference: bmiptools.transformation.geometric.affine.Affine.

This plugin can be used to apply a generic geometric affine 3D transformation (e.g a rotation,…) on a stack.

The Python API reference of the plugin is bmiptools.transformation.geometric.affine.Affine.

Transformation dictionary

The transformation dictionary for this plugin look like this.

{'apply': 'translation',
'reference_frame_origin': 'center-yx',
'translation': {'translation_vector': [0,0,0]
'rotation': {'rotation_angle': 0,
             'rotation_axis': [0,0,1]
'scaling': {'scaling_factors': 1
'shear': {'shear_factors': [0,0,0]
'custom': {'affine_transformation_matrix': None

The plugin-specific parameters contained in this dictionary are:

  • apply: it is the field where name of the transformation to apply is specified. Currently possible options are:

    • 'translation', for translation in 3D space;

    • 'rotation', for rotation in 3D space (specified using the angle-axis notation);

    • 'scaling', for scaling transformation in 3D space;

    • 'shear', for shear transformation in 3D space;

    • 'custom', for custom affine transformation, which as to be specified as 4x4 matrix representing the transformation in a projective 3D space.

  • reference_frame_origin: in this field the reference frame origin for the application of an affine geometric transformation is specified. In this field one have to specify the origin position using the XYZ convention with respect in the front-top-left corner of the stack (i.e. the [0,0,0] position in the numpy array containing the stack) using a tuple/list/array, if one wants to specify a precise point. On the other hand, one can also use the options below.

    • 'center', to chose the origin of the reference frame is placed in the exact center of the stack;

    • 'center-zy', to chose the origin of the reference frame is placed in the exact center of the ZY-plane and with x=0;

    • 'center-zx', to chose the origin of the reference frame is placed in the exact center of the ZX-plane and with y=0;

    • 'center-yx', to chose the origin of the reference frame is placed in the exact center of the YX-plane and with z=0;


    The position of the reference frame origin can be any arbitrary point in the stack. The default origin is the one of the reference frame used for the definition of the bounding box. For some transformation (e.g translation) the position of the origin does not affect the result, while for other transformations the origin position may have non trivial effects. For example, the rotation is implemented such that the stack is rotated around the specified axis passing trough the origin: change the origin means to change the point around which the stack is rotated.

  • translation: contains a dictionary with the parameters for the translation transformation. These parameters are read only when 'apply': 'translation' is used. The dictionary with the parameters contains the following field:

    • translation_vector: is a tuple/list/numpy array containing the translation vector in a 3D space written using the XYZ convention.

  • rotation: contains a dictionary with the parameters for the translation transformation. These parameters are read only when 'apply': 'rotation' is used. The rotation is expressed using the axis-angle convention. The dictionary with the parameters contains the following field:

    • rotation_angle, where one express the rotation angle in grad;

    • rotation_axis, where one express the vector (as tuple/list/numpy array) representing the direction of the rotation axis

    The rotation axis is automatically assumed to pass for the point specified in the reference_frame_origin field.

  • scaling: contains a dictionary with the parameters for the scaling/dilating transformation. These parameters are read only when 'apply': 'scaling' is used. The dictionary with the parameters contains the following field:

    • scaling_factor, is the field where one specify scaling factor of the transformation. If a single number is given, it is assumed the same scaling transformation for each axis. On the other hand, if tuple/list/numpy array with 3 entries is given, it is assumed a different scaling for each axis, using the XYZ-convention.

  • shear: contains a dictionary with the parameters for the shear transformation. These parameters are read only when 'apply': 'shear' is used. The dictionary with the parameters contains the following field:

    • shear_factors, where the three parameters of a 3D shear transformation are specified in a tuple/list/numpy array using the XYZ-convention.

  • custom: contains a dictionary with the parameters for a generic affine transformation. These parameters are read only when 'apply': 'custom' is used. The dictionary with the parameters contains the following field:

    • affine_transformation_matrix, which is numpy array containing a 4x4 matrix representing a generic affine transformation. The affine transformation have to be expressed using the augmented matrix representation for affine transformations (see here).

Further details useful the the usage of this plugin with the Python API can be found in the __init__ method of the class Affine.

Use case

The typical use of this plugin are:

  1. Apply affine geometric transformations (e.g translations, rotations,…) to the input stack.


Since the result of an affine transformation is computed from the interpolation of voxels value of a stack, the quality of the interpolated function determine the quality of the final result. A 3d stack which is not aligned along one of their axis, would not produce the best interpolation function. Therefore, it is suggested to use the this plugin only after the stack alignment (for example via the Registrator plugin).

Application example

As example consider the slice of a stack of a biological sample obtained via cryo-FIB-SEM. The stack considered here has been aligned, and below the 50 slices of it are showed in a single gif.


After the application of the Affine plugin to rotate the stack of 3° around the z-axis, and 5° around the x-axis, the result obtained is given below.


The weird behavior at the boundaries is unavoidable: it is due to the fact the the interpolation function in those points is constructed interpolating between the image values at the border of some slice, and the empty part of the image in the next slice, due to the translations necessary for the stack alignment.


The script used to produce the images displayed can be found here. To reproduce the images showed above one may consult the examples/documentation_scritps folder, where is explained how to run the example scripts and where one can find all the necessary input data.

Implementation details

This plugin rely on the basic transformations implemented in scipy.ndimage (see here. Useful technical notes about this kind of transformations can be found here.

Further details


Technical notes: