
Destriper in a nutshell.

  1. Plugin to eliminate the curtaining artifacts (typical of Cryo FIB-SEM images) in a stack;

  2. This plugin is multichannel;

  3. This plugin can be optimized on the stack;

  4. Python API reference: bmiptools.transformation.restoration.destriper.Destriper.

This plugin can be used to eliminate the curtaining artifacts, typical of Cryo FIB-SEM images. It implements the Wavelet-FT filter described in [Beat2009] with an optimization procedure for the automatic selection of the filter parameter. The Wavelet-FT filter is applied slice-wave to the input stack.

The Python API reference of the plugin is bmiptools.transformation.restoration.destriper.Destriper.

Transformation dictionary

The transformation dictionary for this plugin look like this.

{'auto_optimize': True,
'optimization_setting': {'wavelet': {'use_wavelet': 'all',
                                    'wavelet_family': 'db'
                        'sigma': {'sigma_min':0.01,
                                 'sigma_max': 50,
                        'decomposition_level': {'set_decomposition_level_to_max_compatible': True,
                                               'decomposition_level_min': 2,
                                               'decomposition_level_max': 9,
                                               'increase_decomposition_level_during_inference': False
                        'opt_bounding_box':{'use_bounding_box': True,
                                            'y_limits_bbox': [-500,None],
                                            'x_limits_bbox': [500,1500]
'sigma': 4,
'match_in_out_contrast': True

The optimization-related plugin-specific parameters contained in the optimization_setting field of this dictionary are:

  • wavelet: contains dictionary with the parameters related to the possible wavelet type which can be used by the Wavelet-FT filter during the parameter search. The key of this dictionary are:

    • use_wavelet: it specify the kind of wavelet(s) and can take the following values:

      • 'all', to check all the discrete wavelets available in the PyWavelet library during the optimization.

      • 'family', to check just a single wavelet family during the optimization. When this option is used the wavelet family have to be specified in the field wavelet_family.

      • A name of a discrete wavelet of the PyWavelet library which is kept fixed during the optimization (see here for the list of available wavelet).

    • wavelet_family: name of a discrete wavelet family of the PyWavelet library to search only among the wavelets of this family during the optimization. This field is ignored if use_wavelet is not set equal to family.

  • sigma: contains a dictionary for the setting defining the parameter space for the standard deviation of the gaussian filter used on vertical components of the wavelet decomposition of the image to be filtered. This dictionary has the following keys:

    • sigma_min: minimum value of standard deviation of the gaussian filter used by the Wavelet-FT filter used during the parameter search.

    • sigma_max: maximal value of standard deviation of the gaussian filter used by the Wavelet-FT filter used during the parameter search.

    • sigma_step: step value used to define the possible values of standard deviation of the gaussian filter used by the Wavelet-FT filter used during the parameter search.

  • decomposition_level: contains a dictionary for the setting related to the research of the decomposition level used in the wavelet decomposition of the image. It has to be specified as follow:

    • set_decomposition_level_to_max_compatible: if set True only the maximal possible level of the wavelet decomposition, which would not not introduce boundary artifacts in the reconstruction of the unfiltered image, is used during the parameter search (see here).

    • decomposition_level_min: it is the minimum decomposition level of the 2D wavelet transform used during the parameter search. If set equal to ‘max’ the maximal possible level of the wavelet decomposition, which would not not introduce boundary artifacts in the reconstruction of the unfiltered image, is used.

    • decomposition_level_max: it is the maximal decomposition level of the 2D wavelet transform used during the parameter search. If set equal to 'max' the maximal possible level of the wavelet decomposition, which would not introduce boundary artifacts in the reconstruction of the unfiltered image, is used.

    • increase_decomposition_level_during_inference: if set True the decomposition level during the inference is increased by one. This typically further reduces the stripe artifacts in case the optimization does not find the visually best combination of parameters.

The plugin-specific parameters contained in this dictionary are:

  • wavelet_decomposition: contains a dictionary for the setting of the wavelet transform part of the Wavelet-FT filter. The dictionary has to be specified as below:

    • wavelet_name: is the wavelet name used by the Wavelet-FT filter

    • decomposition_level: when an integer number is given, this number is the maximal decomposition level used in the wavelet transform. If 'max' is given, the highest level which can be used in the wavelet decomposition without introduce border artifacts in the reconstruction of the unfiltered image is used.

  • fourier_space_filter: contain a dictionary for the setting related to the Fourier transform part of the filter used in this plugin. The only possible parameter is:

    • sigma: is the standard deviation of the gaussian filter used in the Fourier space to remove vertical artifacts.

  • match_in_out_contrast: when True, the histogram of each slice of the stack after the Wavelet-FT filter is matched with the histogram of the corresponding input slice, increasing the contrast in the output.

When auto-optimize = True the plugin-specific parameters above are ignored, since the one selected by the optimization procedure are used. Finally, the meaning of the remaining parameters can be found in General information#Transfomation dictionary.

Further details useful the the usage of this plugin with the Python API can be found in the __init__ method of the class Destriper.

Use case

The typical use of this plugin are:

  1. Reduce the curtaining artifact present on the input stack.


The following things turn out to be useful, from a practical point of view.

  1. If the bounding box is used during the optimization, it should contain the region of the stack where the curtaining artifacts are stronger. Optimizing the plugin in a different region would lead to sub-optimal filter parameter for the input stack.

  2. Most of the time, setting the decomposition level to the maximum value allowing to the wavelet decomposition to reconstruct the image without introducing artifacts related the image boundaries, gives good result. This number depends on the image size and can be computed in advance. During the optimization by setting set_decomposition_level_to_max_compatible = True the decomposition level is kept constant to maximum value. If in wavelet_decomposition one set decomposition_level = 'max', the decomposition level used for the filter application is automatically set to the maximum value, without the need to the user to specify it.

  1. Empirically, it has been observe that:

    • if stripes are of the same intensity along the entire image, not using the bounding box (i.e set use_bounding_box = False) and increasing the decomposition level of the Wavelet transform during the filter application (i.e. set increase_decomposition_level_during_inference = True) gives good result.

    • if stripes have a stronger intensity in some part of the image, using the bounding box “centered” in this region (i.e set use_bounding_box = True and set the correct coordinates for the bounding box) without increasing decomposition level during the filter application (i.e. set increase_decomposition_level_during_inference = True) gives good result.

  2. The match_in_out_contrast option typically increase the contrast in the output image. However, it may also amplify some artifact that can be introduced by the Wavelet-FT filter.

Application example

As example consider the slice of a stack of a biological sample obtained via FIB-SEM, where the striping artifact is clearly present.


A zoomed part of the center-top/right part of the slice can be found below. One can clearly see some complex structures under the vertical stripes.


Applying the destriper plugin with default setting, except for the use of the bounding box, which was defined in the center-bottom part of the image and increasing the decomposition level during the inference (i.e. setting increase_decomposition_level_during_inference = True, see tip number 3 of the previous section)


Zooming-in in the same place, one can see that the structure now are well visible and the stripes are almost absent.




The script used to produce the images displayed can be found here. To reproduce the images showed above one may consult the examples/documentation_scritps folder, where is explained how to run the example scripts and where one can find all the necessary input data.

Implementation details

The core operation of this plugin is the application of the Wavelet-Fourier filter described in [Beat2009]. Given a \(K \times J \times I\) stack \(S(k,j,i)\), the Wavelet-Fourier filter is applied to each slice \(S[k](j,i)\). The filter consists essentially of 3 steps:

  1. 2D wavelet decomposition using a certain wavelet \(w\) up a to certain decomposition level \(l\) of the input image. This operation consists essentially in the iterated application of a (single-level) 2D wavelet transform with wavelet \(w\) for \(l\) times. Given an input slice \(S[k](j,i)\), the application of a (single-level) 2D discrete wavelet transform \(WT[w]\) produces 4 different output images, having half of the size of the input, (also called subbands) namely

    \[\{ S_{LL}[k](j',i'), S_{LH}[k](j',i'), S_{HL}[k](j',i'), S_{HH}[k](j',i') \} = WT[w]( S[k](j,i) ),\]

    which represents the wavelet decomposition at the level 1. \(S_{LL}\) contains an approximation of the input image, \(S_{LH}\) contains mainly the horizontal features of the input image, \(S_{HL}\) contains mainly the vertical features of the input image, while \(S_{HH}\) contains essentially the diagonal features of the input image. To go on to the next level, the 2D wavelet transform is applied recursively to the approximation image \(S_{LL}\) for \(l\) times. The full transformation will be denoted with \(WD2d[w,l]\).

  2. Filtering in the fourier space the vertical component at all levels. This filtering consist in the application of a 2D discrete Fourier transform, \(DFT\), then multiply the result by a suitable filter function \(g(\nu_j,\nu_i)\), and finally applying the 2D inverse discrete fourier transform. The filter function \(g(\nu_j,\nu_i)\) is chosen such that the vertical components due to stripes artifact are suppressed, and turns out to be equal to

    \[g(\nu_j,\nu_i) = g_\sigma(\nu_j,\nu_i) = 1-e^{-\frac{\nu_j^2}{2\sigma^2}},\]

    which depends only on the parameter \(\sigma\). Let \(S_{HL,u}[k](j,i)\) be the vertical component produced by the wavelet transform at the level \(u \in [1,...,l]\).

    \[S_{HL,u}^{filt}[k](j,i) = DFT^{-1}[ g_\sigma \cdot DFT[ S_{HL,u}[k] ] ](j,i).\]

    This is done for all decomposition levels \(u \in [1,...,l]\). The whole filtering operation will be denoted by \(FF[\sigma]\).

  3. 2D wavelet reconstruction using the wavelet \(w\) and decomposition level \(l\) used in initial step. It works exactly as the 2d wavelet reconstruction, but rather than using the 2D wavelet transform, it uses its inverse. For each level \(u\), the input of the inverse wavelet transform is composed by the 4 outputs described in step 1, except that \(S_{HL,u}^{filt}\) is now used instead of \(S_{HL,u}\). This operation will be denoted with \(WD2d^{-1}[w,l]\).

Summarizing, the Wavelet-Fourier filter consists in the following operation

\[S[k](j,i) \rightarrow S_{output}[k](j,i) = WD2d^{-1}[w,l]( FF[\sigma]( WD2d[w,l]( S[k](j,i) ) ) ).\]

This operation is applied on all the slices of the stack. It can be seen that this plugin depends on 3 parameters:

  • the wavelet used \(w\),

  • the decomposition level \(l\),

  • the parameter \(\sigma\) of the filter in the Fourier space,

which corresponds to the parameters of the transformation dictionary contained in the fields wavelet_decomposition and in fourier_space_filter. In case of stack with multiple channels, the destriper is applied independently to each channel.

Optimization method

The possible combinations of the 3 parameters for the wavelet-Fourier filter are a lot. Most of the time a simple criteria can be used for the selection of the level (see here), but even in this case the parameters combinations are too many. Find the right combination of parameters can be therefore a time consuming operation. An optimization procedure has been developed to automatize this step, rendering the plugin almost parameter-less. What the user have to do is just to define the parameters space boundaries. This is done in the in optimization_setting section of the transformation dictionary. The default parameter space boundaries specified in the empty_transformation_dictionary of the plugin, seem to be good enough for majority of the typical application cases of this plugin.

The optimization is done by finding the parameters combinations which minimize a suitable loss function. More precisely, let \(f_{w,l,\sigma}\) be the wavelet-Fourier filter described in the previous section. Given an input image \(I(j,i)\) of size \(J \times I\) with curtaining artifact, one can trivially write that

\[I(j,i) = O(j,i) + D(j,i),\]

where \(O(j,i)\) is the output image, i.e. \(O(j,i) = f_{w,l,\sigma}[I](j,i)\), while \(D(j,i)\) is called stripe image, which can be simply defined as \(D(i,j) := O(i,j) - I(i,j)\). For the perfect filter, the stripe image would contain only the stripes, while the output image would contain the image without any curtaining artifact. Consider the ideal case, where the curtaining artifacts consist in perfectly vertical stripes of constant intensity superimposed to the true image (in the real case the stripes are slightly swinging and the intensity may vary). Assume also that the stripe intensity is high if compared to the typical intensity of the true image. By using the perfect filter, the gradient along the vertical direction of the destriped output image would match exactly gradient of the true image, while the gradient of the stripe image along the same direction would be zero everywhere. For the horizontal direction the situation is different: the gradient along the horizontal direction of the stripe image would be close but not equal to the gradient of the input image, since most of the variations along horizontal direction are due to the stripes. Keeping that in mind, one can define the following loss function

\[\mathcal{L}[w,l,\sigma](I) = P+Q+R,\]


  • \(P = \frac{1}{JI}\sum_{j,i} |\nabla_y O(j,i) - \nabla_y I(j,i)|\), is the term favoring the match between the gradient along the vertical direction between the output image and the input image;

  • \(Q = \frac{1}{JI}\sum_{j,i} |\nabla_x D(j,i) - \nabla_x O(j,i)|\), is the term favoring the match between the gradient along the horizontal direction of the stripe image and the output image;

  • \(R = \frac{1}{JI}\sum_{j,i} |\nabla_y D(j,i)|\), is the term favoring the vanishing of the gradient of the stripe image along the vertical direction.

These three conditions are weighted in equal manner in the loss. \(\nabla_y\) and \(\nabla_x\) are the gradient operators along the corresponding directions. In the current implementation, the gradient is approximated using the central difference scheme, typically used to discretize derivatives. By using simple math, it easy to see that

\[\mathcal{L}[w,l,\sigma](I) = 2R+Q.\]


The loss function \(\mathcal{L}[w,l,\sigma]\) is asymmetric in how the X- and Y- direction are treated: apparently what happens in the Y-direction seems to have the double of the importance of what happens in the X-direction. The reason for this asymmetry lies in the fact that there is no term keeping into account that the variation of the destriped output image along the X-direction are small, compared to the variation of the stripe image in the same direction. By the way, a term encoding this requirements can be added to the loss. It has a similar structure to the one of the \(R\) term , and in particular it is

\[W = \frac{1}{JI}\sum_{j,i} |\nabla_x O(j,i)|.\]

It is however important to note, that the derivative of the destriped output image along the horizontal directions, even in the ideal case cannot vanish: the true image still vary along the horizontal direction in general. This means that if \(R\) is present in the loss to force \(\nabla_y D\) to vanish, the term \(W\) need to have less importance in the loss with respect to \(R\). This can be achieved by multiplying \(W\) for a suitable weight \(\lambda\), i.e.

\[W = \lambda \cdot \frac{1}{JI}\sum_{j,i} |\nabla_x O(j,i)|,\]

with \(\lambda << 1\). The condition on \(\lambda\), encode exactly the fact that \(W\) have to be less important than \(R\). However if \(\lambda << 1\) this term can be neglected without altering too much the position of the minimum of the loss. That is the reason why this term is absent in the definition of the loss.

At this point, given a stack \(S(k,j,i)\) of size \(K \times J \times I\), the optimization problem can be formulated as follow:

\[(w_{best}, l_{best}, \sigma_{best}) = \mbox{argmin}_{w,l,\sigma} \left( \frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \mathcal{L}[w,l,\sigma]( S[k_n] ) \right)\]

where the loss function is the average over some subset of slices \(S[k_0],...,S[k_{N-1}]\) (with \(N \leq K\)) of the stack \(S(k,j,i)\). This subset of slices is defined by means of the parameter fit_step in the optimization_setting field of the transformation dictionary.


When a bounding box is used, the loss \(\mathcal{L}[w,l,\sigma]\) is not computed using the whole slice \(S[k_n](j,i)\) but using the part of the slice selected with the bounding box.

From the algorithmic point of view, the current implementation of the optimization routine is rather trivial. The parameter space is defined according to the parameter specified in the optimization_setting field of the transformation dictionary, and the best parameter combination is found with a simple grid search.

Further details



[Beat2009] (1,2)

“Stripe and ring artifact removal with combined wavelet—Fourier filtering” - Beat Münch, Pavel Trtik, Federica Marone, and Marco Stampanoni -