
Equalizer in a nutshell.

  1. Plugin apply the CLAHE equalization algorithm to each slice of a stack;

  2. This plugin is multichannel;

  3. Python API reference: bmiptools.transformation.dynamics.equalizer.Equalizer.

This plugin can be used to enhance the contrast in stack using CLAHE algorithm. This plugin uses the skimage implementation of CLAHE, which is applied slice-by-slice to the whole stack.

The Python API reference of the plugin is bmiptools.transformation.dynamics.equalizer.Equalizer.

Transformation dictionary

The transformation dictionary for this plugin look like this.

{'kernel_size': None,
'clip_limit': 0.01,
'nbins': 256

The plugin-specific parameters contained in this dictionary are:

  • kernel_size: shape of the contextual region around a pixel from which the histogram is constructed. When None is given, this parameter is set to the skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist() function.

  • clip_limit: number between 0 and 1 used as clipping limit.

  • nbin: number of bins used to construct the histogram for the equalization.

Further details useful the the usage of this plugin with the Python API can be found in the __init__ method of the class Equalizer.

Use case

The typical use of this plugin are:

  1. Apply then CLAHE equalization algorithm to each slice of the stack, to increase the contrast.


Equalization may lead to an increase of the noise level present in a image. As such it suggested to apply this plugin after a denoising step (if any), and, more generally, after the removal of all the artifacts in the image if this is possible.

Application example

As example consider a portion of slice of a stack of a biological sample obtained via FIB-SEM, with low contrast.


Applying the Equalizer plugin with its default parameters (i.e. the one present in the empty_transformation_dictionary of the plugin), lead to the high contrast image below.




The script used to produce the images displayed can be found here. To reproduce the images showed above one may consult the examples/documentation_scritps folder, where is explained how to run the example scripts and where one can find all the necessary input data.

Implementation details

This plugin applies the CLAHE algorithm to each slice to the input stack. This plugin is essentially a wrapper around the skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist implementation of CLAHE. The reference for this implementation can be found in the corresponding page of the scikit-image documentaion. In case of stack with multiple channels, the CLAHE equalization algorithm is applied independently to each channel. Note that this behavior is different from what is typically done for standard RGB/RGBA colored images.

Further details

