Case of study: destriper optimization

Here the optimization routine of the destriper plugin is briefly discussed with a practical example. In the Implementation details section of the Destriper plugin was discussed how the filter used by the plugin works, and how it can be optimized.


The following imports are needed to run the code snapshots below.

import numpy as np
import pywt

from scipy import fftpack

From a practical point of view, the filter \(f_{w,l,\sigma}\) used in the destriper plugin can be implemented with the function below.

def destripe_slice(x, wavelet_name, sigma, level):
    Core destriper transformation which is applied to a slice of a stack.

    :param x: (ndarray) array containing the image to process.
    :param wavelet_name: (str) name of the wavelet to be used.
    :param sigma: (float) standard deviation of the gaussian filter used to remove vertical lines.
    :param level: (int) decomposition level of the wavelet transform
    :return: (ndarray) the destriped image.

    res = pywt.wavedec2(x, wavelet_name, level=level)
    filtred_res = []
    for coeff in res:

        if type(coeff) is tuple:

            cV = coeff[1]
            fft2_cV = fftpack.fftshift(fftpack.fft2(cV))
            size_y, size_x = fft2_cV.shape

            x_hat = (np.arange(-size_y, size_y, 2) + 1) / 2
            filter_transfer_function = -np.expm1(-x_hat ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2))
            filter_transfer_function = np.tile(filter_transfer_function, (size_x, 1)).T
            fft2_cV = fft2_cV * filter_transfer_function

            cV = fftpack.ifft2(fftpack.ifftshift(fft2_cV))
            filtred_res.append((coeff[0], np.real(cV), coeff[2]))



    return pywt.waverec2(filtred_res, wavelet_name)

This function is exactly equal to the current filter function implementation of the Destriper class.

The optimization routine

The parameter space used for the optimization routine is defined as follow

  • all the wavelet available in bmiptools should be tested;

  • the values of \(\sigma\) tested are the ones between 0.01 and 50 with a step of 1;

  • the decomposition level \(l\) is set to be equal to the maximum compatible with the image input shape and the wavelet used.

The function below can be used to generate the parameter space, according to the 3 conditions above. The function takes as argument the input image shape, the list of the possible values of \(\sigma\), and the list of the possible wavelets names.

def generate_destriper_parameter_space(image_shape,sigma_range,wavelet_range):
    Compute all the possible parameters combinations given the individual parameters ranges.

    :param image_shape: (tuple) shape of the image used for the loss computation.
    :param sigma_range: (list[float]) list of values of possible sigma.
    :param wavelet_range: (list[str]) list of possible wavelet names.
    :return: (list[list]) the parameter space.
    param_space = []
    for wname in wavelet_range:

        Lmax = pywt.dwtn_max_level(image_shape, wname)
        for sigma in sigma_range:


    return param_space

The list of all the available wavelets in bmiptools is stored in the variable SUPPORTED_WAVELET, and can be obtained as showed below.

from bmiptools.transformation import SUPPORTED_WAVELET

Assume to apply the optimization routine on the slice sl of some stack. In total, with the parameter space boundaries chosen, there are 5300 possible combinations to test.

sl =  ... # slice of stack on which the destriper optimization is applied

# define parameter space boundaries
sigma_range = np.arange(0.01,50,1)
wavelet_range = SUPPORTED_WAVELET
image_shape = sl.shape

# generate parameter space
pspace = generate_destriper_parameter_space(image_shape,sigma_range,wavelet_range)
N_param_comb = len(pspace)
print('Total number of parameters combinations: ',N_param_comb)

For the optimization, the loss function \(\mathcal{L}[w,l,\sigma]\) can be computed with the function below.

def self_supervised_decurtaining_loss(x,destriped):
    Self-supervised loss used for the parameter search.

    :param x: (ndarray) input slice;
    :param destriped: (ndarray) destriped slice;
    :return: (float) loss value for the given parameters.
    stripes = x-destriped
    R = np.mean(np.abs(np.gradient(stripes,axis=0)))
    Q = np.mean(np.abs(np.gradient(stripes,axis=1)-np.gradient(x,axis=1)))
    return 2*R+Q

The research of the best parameter combination can done by using a simple grid search. The loss value for all the possible combinations of parameters in the parameter space generated, can be computed with the code below.

# optimization routine
L = []
for p in pspace:

    # initialize filter with a set of parameters
    filter = lambda x: destripe_slice(x,*p)

    # apply filter
    dest_sl = filter(sl)

    # compute loss
    L_p = self_supervised_decurtaining_loss(sl,dest_sl)

Clearly, the best parameters are the one corresponding to the lowest value of the loss.

# print results
best_idx = np.argmin(L)
print('Best parameters: ', pspace[best_idx])
print('Loss value: ', L[best_idx])

The optimization routine described here, contains all the essential steps which are present in the Destriper class.


Consider the image below as input for the algorithm. The striping artifacts are clearly visible.


The loss value for all the 5300 combinations is showed in the graph below.


Being not completely clear how the loss function look like, it can be useful to zoom around the global minimum of the loss, as showed in the graph below.


The best parameter combination corresponds to the loss value \(\mathcal{L}[w,\sigma,l] = 0.025176\), which gives the visual result below

fig-1 fig0

Clearly, different values of the loss correspond to different level of destriping. The animation below show how the filter quality changes in different points of the loss, confirming empirically that the loss function used is able to capture the idea of image without vertical stripes.


To give a closer look at the different visual results, the different images showed above compared with the one obtained with the best parameter combination are available below.

Global minimum vs Local minimum

On the right, one can see the result produced with the parameter combination corresponding to a local minimum of the loss (\(\mathcal{L}[w,\sigma,l] = 0.025200\))

fig1 fig2

There is not much difference between the one corresponding to the global and local minimum.

Global minimum vs Local maximum

On the right, one can see the result produced with the parameter combination corresponding to a local maximum of the loss (\(\mathcal{L}[w,\sigma,l] = 0.029996\))

fig3 fig4

Being completely far away from the global minimum, the stripes are still visible, as expected.

Global minimum vs Away from minimum

On the right, one can see the result produced with the parameter combination corresponding to a value in between a local maximum and the global minimum of the loss (\(\mathcal{L}[w,\sigma,l] = 0.026342\)).

fig5 fig6

Note that the image on the right, appear too blurred and with diagonal details which seem amplified. This is a clear sign that the filtering of the vertical component of the wavelet decomposition is too much.


The script used to produce the images displayed can be found here. To reproduce the images showed above one may consult the examples/documentation_scritps folder, where is explained how to run the example scripts and where one can find all the necessary input data.